University Resources
UCI is a public institution, heavily subsidized by the state and federal taxpayers and tasked with the performance of academic and scholarly research. However, private companies are allowed to directly use or access UCI resources when UCI has specifically identified that resource as available for use by external users.
On-Campus Incubator Space Lease
UCI has on-campus incubator space where startup companies can apply to lease offices and basic lab space, including:
The Cove
Contact: (949) 824-2683 |
The Cove is 100,000 square feet of state-of-the-art technological facility located in University Research Park that houses office, lab, and event space. It is home to UCI Beall Applied Innovation, whose mission is to facilitate connections between UCI and industry, including: entrepreneurs seeking access to university inventions and talent, large corporations looking to tap the school’s research capabilities, and investors wanting to financially support promising new companies. Additionally, Applied Innovation is working to cultivate an “innovation district” in the heart of Orange County, producing more start-ups, more scale-ups, and, ultimately, a world-class entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Beckman Laser Institute Photonic Incubator
Contact: Sari Mahon | (949) 824-3924 |
The Beckman Laser Institute (BLI) has established a Photonic Incubator to utilize photonic (light) technologies (lasers, optics, detectors, etc.) in the development of new biomedical systems for medical diagnostics, therapeutics, and cellular/molecular analysis. BLI’s Photonic Incubator offers affordable office and laboratory space and access to the existing facility’s core laboratory areas, scientific and medical expertise, programs, and extensive corporate contacts in the area of medical photonics. The incubator fosters an environment that supports start-up companies created by the collaboration of BLI researchers and affiliated professionals and provides a unique, high-impact resource for technology transfer.
Calit2 TechPortal
Contact: Jacqueline Meyers | (949) 824-6045 |
TechPortal, a business technology incubator in the Calit2 Building, serves as a gateway to commercial viability for UCI-based startup companies. TechPortal offers affordable space, access to facilities and services, and mentoring programs and expertise to help new companies gain traction in the marketplace. TechPortal can house up to seven companies in its 1460 square feet of space and Calit2 offers the perfect combination of lab space, experts, programs, and facilities. Its wet and dry lab spaces provide options for a wide range of startup companies.
University Lab Partners
(949) 732-4290 |
University Lab Partners is an independent, non-profit project of the Beall Family Foundation. It was founded in partnership with UCI Beall Applied Innovation. Its open innovation platform enables lifescience & medtech companies to access unique research capabilities and a network of technical, business, and talent resources at an economical cost.
Company Access to UCI Service/Equipment
The company should contact the manager or fiscal officer of the department with the service or equipment the company is interested in using to determine if it has been approved for external use. Please note that any UCI employee with a financial interest in the company interested in establishing a Sales & Services Agreement with UCI must recuse themselves from the process. Instead, a company employee without a UCI affiliation should negotiate the Agreement with UCI to avoid violating the California State Law.
Established Sales & Services Activity
If the resource has been approved for external use, the department can initiate a Sales & Services Agreement specific to the company. Please contact the facility directly to determine whether or not it is available for external use.
Potential Sales & Services Activity
If the resource has not yet been approved, please contact the Director of Intellectual Property Administration, David Gibbons (, for guidance on whether or not the UCI equipment or service you are interested in could become an established Sales & Services Activity.
Company Research Project
A company may engage UCI researchers to conduct a research project through a sponsored research agreement. Due to federal and state law, and implementing UC regulations, UCI is required to own any intellectual property (IP) developed by its employees; however, if the funding is provided through a research agreement, the agreement typically includes provisions allowing the sponsoring company the first right to negotiate a license to any IP developed by UCI while performing the research project. Research done in the faculty member’s laboratory should be appropriate for the university setting. Very routine tests that are readily available at commercial entities outside UCI are generally not appropriate. The Industry Sponsored Research unit of UCI Applied Innovation is responsible for executing research agreements with companies, including sub-awards on SBIR and STTR grants received by the company.
UCI Commercialization Programs
Included UCI Commercialization programs are designed to support PI’s, staff and students in the translation of research into market use. They are focused on technology readiness in effort to address gaps in the translation of UCI research and IP into commercially viable products/services.
Contact: 949-824-4044 |
Wayfinder is a no-cost highly structured incubator that connects UC-affiliated startups with essential resources needed to launch, grow and succeed. Teams in Wayfinder have access to guidance and mentorship from UCI Beall Applied Innovation’s Innovation Advisor Network, learning experiences through workshops and office hours, workspace and meeting rooms at the Cove, networking and exposure opportunities, and funding resources. For more information, visit Wayfinder.
Contact: 949-824-2405 |
I-Corps is an NSF-funded program that trains individuals to broaden the impact of basic-research projects and develop effective solutions to customer problems. The program is based on real-world, hands-on learning that involves finding customers and understanding their problems to achieve a product/market fit. The mission is to increase research-based technology commercialization capabilities and activities across Orange County, CA. The program provides the infrastructure, resources, advice, networking opportunities, training, and funding for motivated teams to assess their commercial opportunity. For more information, visit I-Corps.
SBDC @ UCI Beall Applied Innovation
Schedule an appointment
SBDC @ UCI Beall Applied Innovation offers access to experienced consultants who provide highly tailored, relationship-focused solutions to the business growth challenges and opportunities of their clients. They are especially focused on fundraising assistance, taking advantage of the wealth of resources and relationships cultivated throughout the Cove @ UCI and the surrounding community. Consultants provide no-cost, one-on-one consulting for new venture assessment, business planning and development, funding and exit strategies.
Contact: Molly Schmid |
Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) are competitive programs that award research funding to US-based, for-profit, small businesses. Proposals are reviewed primarily for technical merit and commercialization potential. SBIR/STTR grants can be a valuable supplement to your company’s financing strategy while providing our country with small businesses that are commercializing state-of-the-art technologies. UCI Beall Applied Innovation provides individual consulting and workshops that can help you assemble a competitive SBIR proposal. In addition, the SBDC @ UCI Beall Applied Innovation has consultants who can help you shape the commercialization plans for your technology.
Use of UCI Name and Logo
The Regents of the University of California is the State of California Constitutional Corporation that runs and manages the University of California. The Regents own and control the University’s names and logos. As a public, state entity, the University of California is prohibited from endorsing any specific company, product or service. As a result, the use of the University of California names and logos are restricted and cannot be used to imply, directly or indirectly, that the University supports, favors or endorses any commercial product. If a faculty member is involved in your company, it is appropriate to identify them as a professor at UCI as long as the statement is factual and does not imply endorsement.